A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Monday, December 20, 2010

Victoria. Great Ocean Road and Melbourne..

Getting in at Victoria State through the Great Ocean Road is a good entry...
I do it with the van, looking at the local scenery which can seem unreal, leading to the sea and mountains.
After visiting the Twelve Apostles, we go to Johanna Beach where there is a campground of the national park.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Australia

After few hundreds of kilometers (around 800) we arrive at Coober Pedy, and we visit a Opal mine museum, we walk around the small village, pizza for lunch and we sleep underground...

Yes, underground. Coober Pedy is apparently a normal village, but almost all the houses have holes on the ground and few rooms underground that they did to look for Opal, and then they changed to part of the house... to be fresher on summer time. Also is the location were film some movies like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Red Planet, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert o Pitch Black...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Central Australia

I arrive at Alice Springs from the sky, after almost three hours of dry and lonely landscape.

When I got out from the plane I have a temperature chock 37 degrees with heavy sun.

Alice Spring is the most important city in the center of Australia... 4 streets, supermarkets, banks and bars.
I walk around and I see the sunset from Anzac Hill.

4:40AM my alarm ring. They pick me up to go to the 6 days “road-safari” to Adelaide.
Long long roads... not real.

The first thing we do is a walk thought the Kings Canyon and see how amazing is the panoramic views.

And we arrive at the camping site just to see the sunset with Uluru next to us. Dinner, fireworks at the ground and sleep!!!

As the day before at 3:50AM my alarm rings! There is no mistake... 3:50AM!!!! If you want to see the sunset at Uluru, you have to wake up very early! What I can tell you... it worth.

Then we walk around Urulu.

All central Australia is the first time in 30 years that all the landscape is green! The rains along the lasts months has the explanation of that.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Young Backpackers city with a lot of night live. This is what I found when I got here...

I came to Cairns to dive, snorkel and find the way to go to Alice Springs.
The day after I arrive, I’m going with a boat and 80 more people to see two spots at the Great Barrier Reef. People that we came to dive, we’re 6.

The two dives I do are so different... The first one till 14m and great scenario and no so many fish. The second one is much more attractive to me with a lot more live and some caves... so exciting!

At the afternoon is time for another location, and this time snorkeling! Less than 2 meters from the reef is spectacular, the colors, the shapes and the fish. One of my best snorkels!

Next day I do Sunday day because is Sunday! I walk along the coast, I watch two films and I eat an Ice-cream.
There is full Moon.

Since I arrive at Cairns, I have been looking around the backpackers and internet people that want to go to Alice Springs to share the ride... The people I found are going in the other direction.

I look for other options... and I take the most attractive, fly. The bus is 38 hours with 4 changes of bus and almost the same price of the flight. Expensive like everything in Australia.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

North Coast

The bus arrives at Townsville at 2:00 AM. I do night at the ferry terminal to Magnetic Island with a girl that has the same situation, no accommodation at 2 AM.

I don’t know why, but I wanted to visit Townsville, so I do another night, that time sleeping in a backpacker. The city is small, with few old buildings with more than 100 years (here is hard to see that!), a very long beach and the Castle Hill, with no Castle on it...

At Airlie Beach I signup at Wwoof Australia. Now I have a book with a lot of contacts of people who needs people doing VOLUNTARY work in exchange for learning something about Organic Growing and about the country you are visiting with accommodation and food.

My first experience of Wwoofing will be at Magnetic Island, at Libby’s place.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Whitsunday Coast

Beach again!

This time at Airlie Beach, the point where all the sailing boats go to Whitsunday Islands and some national parks.

I have couple of days before going with the Habibi (the sailing boat that I booked in Noosa), so I swim in the swimming pools with sea water next to the beach (Jelly fish in the beach) and I do some walks through the nationals parks ( like this one at Conway National Park )

Map Conway National and Conservation Park

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Capricorn Coast

From Rainbow Beach to Agnes Water in some hours... I stay in a very charming Backpacker’s ... bungalows, swimming pool, dvd room, equipped kitchen, etc... Movie and bed.

In the morning I do another surfing course, the waves are good to practice how to go up to the surface.

At the afternoon I take one of the free bicycles from the Backpacker’s and I go to Seventeen seventy, place where Capitan Hook did his second stop over Australia in 1770... Reading and music next to the beach and dinner before I take the bus to Rockhampton.

I arrive there at 12 midnight and Scott (Australia, Couchsurfing) pick me up.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Fraser Coast

Rainbow beach is a small village very quite at the south of Fraser Island with few backpacker’s ready to be your home before and after the trip to the island.

To be able to do the trip on 4x4 and camp at the island, I have to be in a kind of meeting where they make groups of 8 people (for every car) and they explain the rules of the national park.

My group (A-Team!) we are 4 Scottish, 3 English and me. They are my collages that I’ll expend the next 3 days in Fraser Island.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sunshine Coast

I arrive at Noosa after few hours by bus. Here didn’t work the Couchsurfing request, so I chose one of the three or four were waiting at the bus station... Nossa Backpackers Resort (bed in a dorm of 6 people for 25AU$ with breakfast... around 19€).

I relax for a while, but here in Noosa I do a bit of everithing: I walk all the National Park of Noosa, I went for a run by the river and I visit the menglars by cayak.

At the supermarket I bought food to cook, a big sunblock and a gingerbeer!.

At the Backpacker I buy a open bus ticket to Cairns and I booked a package for 3 days at Fraser Island by 4x4 and camping and a 2 day/2night trip by boat around Whitsundays.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Gold Coast

I am in Australia!!!

I arrive early morning... Coffee and looking for a local bus to Burleigh Heads where I have to meet with Hinu (New Zealand) from Couchsurfing. I arrive when her kids are going to the school that they have just 500m away from home. Hinu offers to show me the National Park Burleigh Heads after my shower. She offers me to stay in her daughter’s room, she is in a camps for few days, single room!

Coffee “take away” at the beach of Burleigh with views of Surfers Paradise... a touristic zone with high buildings, shops, restaurants, night clubs and surfers.
The National Park is spectacular if we have a look all the buildings are close to (But they always try to preserve the dunes and characteristics places). I had a meat pie for lunch... nice!

At the afternoon I rest at Hinu’s place, and at night we went to have a look at the surfers Paradise, where we have dinner.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Kobe, Osaka and Kyoto again

I arrive to Kobe just after the sunrise. I go from the ferry terminal to the train station like a zombie. There I put my backpack in to a locker, I drink a coffee and I go to the information centre to ask what I can do around.
I decide to do the Sake Breweries of Nada very close to Kobe in the morning and the city centre at the afternoon...
The tastes of Sake make the visit of the breweries more fun.
More information about the Route of the Sake breweries of Nada (Kobe) at: https://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3556.html

At afternoon I walk through Kobe...till is the time that I have to meet Roger Civit (Tarragona), friend of my sister. We went walking to a tiny coffee shop and drink a green tea with ice at the same time that we are talking about Japan and the cultural differences.

And train to Kyoto, train to Ivan’s house.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hyuga and Beppu

I arrive at Hyuga around 21h... and Sally is waiting for me at the train station for going out with another couchsurfer, Gianni (Sicily) that sleep in another house. We take the backpack at my place and we go out with Japanese friends of Sally.
I finish exhaust. I sleep like a kid.
Next day we have lunch at Sally’s place and at the afternoon we go to the beach to try to surf... Hyuga is a paradise for the surfers. At least are 100 surfers at the main beach and a lot of surfers vans!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kagoshima, Yakushima, and Kirishima-Yaku National Park

I arrive to Kagoshima with a very sunny day watched over by the looming bulk of Sakurajima! I walk around the city centre making time to meet Fiona (Uk) from Couchsurfing and like Cait, she is English teacher in the JET program (Japanese exchange Teachers) . We eat Vietnamese for dinner and we talk with a work college from United States.

Next day I take a ferry to Sakurajima where I do a trekking visiting a couple of volcan observatory, a park by the sea and finishing in a Feed Onsen! (Track)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Fukuoka and Iizuka

At Fukuoka I feel lucky because I arrive on the day that a music festival starts, the Music City Tenjin 2010. It’s free and all kinds of music... I’ve listen reggae, rock, singers, jazz and hip hop. I really need some concerts, so I spend all day around.

The ones that I liked more are: Susumoku (Singer), Motoki+Chikkaja (fusion) and Vic Bongo (Reggae).
Between concert and concert I went to see cheap options to travel the next days, after look everywhere, I found a bus 50% off to Kiroshima... I bought it.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Miyajima and Hiroshima

I arrive early morning to Hiroshima.
I leave my backpack in a Hostel that is a little bit far away from the centre, but is good location to take the ferry to the Island Miyajima. Is the first I do.

The Island is protected by UNESCO, and is plenty of Temples and Shrines, and there is a famous red door in the middle of the sea... and like Nara, is plenty of deers .

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Kyoto and Nara, Ivan and Natsumi

Like Home. Is what I felt those days in Kyoto and Nara.

After five months traveling around “alone”, finally I’ve been with somebody I know and at the same time he knows me, Ivan Diaz.

I have taken his lovely apartment next to the Kyoto University and one bike for more than a week!!!

The first day Ivan took me biking around the more important parts of Kyoto... We started with the temples and Shrine by the Path of Philosophy, and then visiting Heian-jingú (free because National day! Normally 600 yens) with a group of English students being our guides, having a fast look at the geisha street where we end at Kennin-Ji Temple, the oldest Zen Temple in Kyoto with a brilliant exhibition of Tawaraya Sotasu (free because who was selling the tickets knew Ivan from the university!! Normally 500 yens). We eat Ramen and went around the Imperial Palace Park...

After a full day of relax, I take the bike and go to visit Fushimi-Inari Taisha in the other side of Kyoto. A fantastic group of Shrines around the entire mountain and connected by a path covered by a red wood doors. The total distance is 4 kilometers!

Other day I visit The Golden Pavilion (Kinkaku-Ji) and Kitano Tenman-Gu Temple. At the afternoon I meet Ivan and a friend of him (Emi) to prepare Bread with tomato and Jamon Iberico before we go to a traditional Japanese concert: Takigi-Noh – Bonfire Noh Performance. Very interesting taste of the traditional Japanese culture!

Next morning I meet with Natsumi (Nara, which I know since a trip I did to Krakow) and a friend of her, Daniele (Italy) to go to visit some Temples around Kyoto. At Noon Ryotas and あべくん (Kyoto) join us for lunch at the sushi train restaurant. And after lunch we go to an entertainment... football, Basket, golf, volleyball, videogames, pools ... and a big etcetera.... I finish exhausted.

After this complete day, I go to visit Nara, a village around 100 km from Kyoto full of deer’s, temples and shrines... When I get there its raining and I go to visit the National Museum of Nara, where there is an exhibition about wood Buda’s and protector’s monsters (free because Ivan give me an invitation, normally 1000 yens). After this I do the Temples route including Todaiji Temple where is the Big Buda and getting lost in the forest to end at the Museum of Photography of Nara. To dinner I meet with Natsumi and her sister Haruna. They took me to Kanakana, a Japanese restaurant with tatami floor and really good food...

When I get back to Kyoto I go for a drink with Ivan and foreigners friends from the university.

Saturday I meet Ivan to go to see a market that every 25th of every month they do in Kitano Tenman-Gu temple. We look for cards with a Japanese monsters theme…. But we don’t find them!!!

I join Ivan going to do class of Spanish in a Spanish food restaurant… Bogavante 346. The Owner is lovely and invites me to join them for a lunch. Luxury Lunch!

Sunday, I go again to Nara, this time with Daniele and Natsumi to visit some temples that I didn’t…The Byakugoji in Nara, and the Horyuji temple outside Nara. After all, the Natsumi sister picks us up and brings us to their house to do a Sushi class with their mother and grandmother. The result was amazing!

When I got back to Kyoto I went for Sake with Ivan and Silvia (Poland) in a charming bar near Ivan house.

On the next two days it’s raining at Kyoto, so I relax. I eat with Ivan and Silvia at the university; where I also buy the bus ticket to Hiroshima and I finish the book “Fiesta en la mardigera” of Juan Pablo Villalobos that Ivan give me to read. With Silvia we went to do a coffee in the middle of a nice park next to the university. We saw the sunset with Kyoto under us.

Before taking the night bus, Emi prepare for us a very nice dinner! Rice with egg and Romesco sauce on the top! Fusion kitchen! Now... to Hiroshima.

It has been hard to leave... when there is good company...! Well, anyway I have to come back to spend my last days in Japan...

Some Photos
2010-09-Kyoto i Nara (JP) https://photos.app.goo.gl/jbqk7kgC9sxPyBux5
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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tokyo vs Fuji

Tokyo. I tried to do Couchsurfing but this time didn’t work and I stayed in a hostel around Asakusa. I meet Abraham and Raquel (Catalonia) just when I was doing the check-in and we talk for a while.

Next morning I decide to join them to visit some places in Tokyo... We visit Yoyogi Park where we saw a lot of people running, Shibuya plenty of people and a lot of design shops, Tower of Tokyo with lines of tourists to go up to the Tower and Roppongi night where we visit an Internet cafe where you can rent a room to spend few hours playing or surfing on the web...

Tokyo at night

Next day I walk around Asakusa where there are people shopping, eating in a restaurants, and visiting temples. At afternoon I went for run along the river (Track) I didn’t go for a run for few weeks and Tokyo is a good place to do it.

Mount Fuji
On Monday I want to go to Mt Fuji by direct bus but because is out of season to climb to Fuji and there are not the same numbers of buses as usual. Finally I went by 3 trains and a bus to the station where the trekking to the Mt Fuji starts. Total 4,5 hours.
I start the trekking around 21:30 at evening for get to the top at the sunrise. Waiting to start the trek, I meet a French couple and two brothers from Uruguay that they want to do the same.
On the high season (July and august) there is a lot more services, but there is much more people... (here the Track). The last part begin to be to cold because the wint. I’m luky to have my super jacket that I’ve been carrying.

Sunrise at Mount Fuji

Climb the Fuji is so spiritual for the Japanese, and I understand. The sunrise at 3777m with a ocean of clouds in yours feeds and without slept it was very special.
Going down was hard as well, and I went back to Tokyio by bus (2.5 hours).

At the subway I meet Pepi (Manresa) and she knew Roger (Tarragona) who lives in Kobe and he is a friend of my sister

Sport week! Wednesday bicycle without direction trough Tokyo.

Early Thursday I went to the fish market at the same time it was raining a lot... I went with Katerina (Slovakia) and Ricardo (Valencia) that I meet in the room of the hostel.
We also went to Ginza and the tower of the government building.

Friday I walk a lot till the other side of Tokyo. I go back by subway. When I was living in London I did it very often. I like walk the cities and Tokyo have a lot of tidy nice places.
Saturday I buy the night bus ticket to Kyoto... I want to see Ivan!

Some Photos
2010-09-Tokyo (JP) https://photos.app.goo.gl/cEW3TccYMXQjxPyv7

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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Guangzhou (廣州) and Hong Kong (香港)

At Guangzhou I did couchsurfing in Chalne’s place at the same time as Adam (USA) and Bruno (Switzerland). My First experience of CS doing this trip has been so positive: People so nice and nice house.

The first day didn’t stop rain even for a second, and I finish completely wet... The second I visit the park Xuexiu were I expend almost all day.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Guangxi (广西)

I arrive at Guilin (桂林) after 24h by train from Chengdu.
Is my first train I can take in china because you have to book in advance. I’ve been in a 6 bed cabin very comfortable surrounded by Chinese people talking to me in Chinese without stop avoiding that my face looks like I don’t understand a word. After 5 minutes to start the journey, Liufeiyu, a 5 years old girl, seat next to me and offer me a red sweet and I accepted. 5 minutes later appears on the stage Jinyating, a 9 years boy asking me: “where are you from?” And I answered. Since then and for 24 hours Jin and Liu they are permanently around me... Liu reads to me a infantile histories with perfect Chinese, Jin practice English with me and help Liu with the difficult words, the mother of Liu try to teach me how to pronounce correctly the few words I know in Chinese, and Liu is giving me a lot of sweets non stop...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sichuan (四川)

In Shangri-La we say goodbye to Jon's (different paths), and I continue with Ana, Niek, Mieke, Paulina and Michal to Sichuan Province.
We enter from the part that touches Tibet (60 years ago was Tibet...) and after a hard trip by bus (physically and visually beautiful) and passing points up to 4600m above sea level ...

We reach Xiangcheng (乡城 and 3200m altitude). We look for a acommodation and we visit yhe Tibetan monastery.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Yúnnan (云南)

I left Laos... And just at the border I see so many big differents.

I took the bus from Mohan to Mengla (勐腊), my intention it was to take another bus to Yuanyang ( 元阳), but there’s only one at 7am. I bought the ticket for the next morning...

The market of Mengla I like very much and I start to feel the difficulty to communicate.

Next morning, having breakfast, I realize that I didn’t change the time of my mobile phone (my alarm) and that means that was about 7:45! My first transport that I lose.., what can I do?
The thing unexpected was that when I was going to buy another ticket to somewhere else, they give me the money back!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Luang Namtha

Luang Namtha is the place to do a trekking in Lao trough the deeps jungles forests with minorities etnies villages. The treks have to been done by a authorized guide, and the number of groups are limited. With this rule they try (theoretically) do less tourist impact on the villages. The Word Eco tourism is everywhere in Luang Namtha ...
At the bus I meet Jon (Oregon, USA), he is going the same way that I am. We were eating a noodles at the night market and I meet again Richard and Natalie. All together and Kevin (Canada) went to look witch treks are offered...
We decide to do Mhong trek, 2 days doing overnight in a home stay.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nong Khiaw & Muang Ngoi Neua

Nong Khiaw is a village next to the river Nam Ou sorrounded by majestic mountains where you can do trekkings to see some caves and waterfalls and at the same time you can visit small villages.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Luang Prabang

Get to Luang Prabang it's been difficult. The road was close becouse the rain. Long Cue and the road transformed as a market and play zone... in 10 hours you can do a lot of things! At least the landscape was very pretty...

I started the book Mr Nice by Howard Marks.

At the bus I meet Richard, Natalie, Cris i Paul (UK), Sara (NZ), and Jordana (Canada). We arribe at Luang Prabang arround 4 in the morning!
We end at the same Guest House. We went to see the monks arround the streets of Luang Prabang and we rest.

The city is so cute thanks to be sorrouned by the big Mekong river, houses with french style and busdist temples everywhere.
Next morning, I went for a run and after breakfast, we went to visit the Kouangxi Water Fall (Tat Kuang Si Waterfalls) an espectaculars waterfalls with some swiming areas... so refreshing!

This city is a relax city. I walk trought the market, fruit shake, Vegetarian buffet...

Some Photos
2010-07-Luang Prabang (LAO) https://photos.app.goo.gl/UEu2fvZoa9eekjYj7
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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keep doing my way

It's been 90 days since I left Tarragona. Today it's time to relax and recharge batteries, so, do like sunday.
My sensations about my trip are very goods. The day by day of the traveller is quite good as well. Every new city/villa it's a new adventure, with new people, new things to discover and do, new option to choose,...
What I amb seeing is that I'm changing the way to programm the things... Since few weeks ago I liked to have some plants for the next week, and now, I am looking for what I'm going to do today, and I will see what I'll do tomorrow.
I Know the direccion (north = south of china), but the way I will do it on the way...

Rain and it's sunny at the same time in Luang Prabang.



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Vang Vieng

This village follows the Mekong river and surrounded by rocky mountains with plenty of caves and lagoons to swim.
And also... a lot of accommodations, restaurants, tolls to get to the bridge and caves...
I liked the first part.

It's been raining 3 days! It's time to have some rain in my trip, isn't it???

I went to walk about 20 km around the surroundings of Vang vieng to Tham Poukham Cave, and i swim in a nice lagoon (...raining). One friend of mine would say "The world is for the brave"

At Champa Lao Guesthouse, I meet Tomas and Claudia (Sweden and Chile) and we share talks and meals with Dominique and Linda (Switzerland EUA/Jamaica)

I do Raiki with Claudia...

Some Photos
2010-07-Vang Vieng (LAO) https://photos.app.goo.gl/umHY4jgwDqvBPMBb6

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Thursday, July 22, 2010


It's been hard to leave Vietnam. More than 26 hours by non-comfortable bus. 26 hours incluiding an hour and a half cose a breakdown and another hour waiting for the open time of the Laos border...

I can say it was entertaining see how they put more and more people where you can say is impossible.
The Backpacks at the roof with a lot of staff to be deliver...

After all this, dinner and sleep hours and hours... I'm at Vientiane!
Next morning, bike. I go to the chinise embassy to ask for the Visa (I've got it in 24h!)
After I do the visit to the capital of Lao (Pah That Luang, Patuxai, etc..)
And at the afternoon with a danish couple, I go to visit the Budda Park (Van Xieng Khuan) about 25 km from the centre of Vientiane, and it worth... a garden next to the river with all kinds of budda's.

Next day rains a lot... I decide to do the ride to the embassy with the bike... and then the bus to VangVien.

Some Photos
2010-07-Vientane (LAO) https://photos.app.goo.gl/Lstt443QfgpPHjucA

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Hanoi 2.0

I came back from the mountains of Sa Pa to Hanoi.
At the Hotel I meet the Bruno's friends (Mireia, Maria i Lidia), and they came with Lucas and Alex to visit the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum Complex.
I want to do a 2 days trip to Halong Bay (the famous and turistic islands at the north coast of vietnam)... and I can't.
There is a tifon at the south-coast of China going to Halong Bay! I try to do a 1 day trip inested but they cancel for security reasons...
Maybe I have to not see it...

So, I visit the Vietnam Revolution Museum, Hoa Lo Prison, streets, squares, restaurants... not bad, no??

Next stop, Laos...

Some Photos
2010-07-Ha Noi 2 (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/XEvK5enjFa9iFbyg6

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Thursday, July 15, 2010


I arrive to Sa Pa and it was raining a little with a very comfortable temperature.

The first day I go to walk to Cát Cát Village and surrounding. The landscape is so beautifull! I needed some mountains time!
Next day I do a two days trip doing overnight at Lao Chai Sang. The group is 7 people... Alberto and Soraya (Zaragoza), Jordi and Karen (Manresa i Tarragona!), Alex (the french girl we meet in Hanoi) and Lucas.
It Worth. The rice fields, the bamboo forest, the swims at the river and the people you meet on the way...

When we came back to Sa Pa we had to pick up 3 more people from another trip... They were the Brunos friends...

Some Photos
2010-07-Sa Pa (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/CtbW7ZsgeCDpWJmh8

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Monday, July 12, 2010


I liked Hanoi. Noisy City, dirty and with a traffic that puts you nerve and disconcerting ...
With its theme streets, cafes and restaurants, temples and communists monuments and markets that are transformed according to the time of day ...

At the sleeping bus (14h from Hue) I meet Flor, Pablo and Juan (Argentina and Spain), and in Hanoi we meet again in the same acommodation where I also meet Alex (France)...

The world cup final we saw with Bruno and a friends of him. The Irish pub was plenty of holland and english people...
Barça won!

Now 10 hours of train (with soft seats) to Lao Cai for go to Sa Pa...

Some Photos
2010-07-Ha Noi (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/pZ6gmKLCWKL4LDG58

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Friday, July 9, 2010


Old imperial city, Hue conserve inside the Citadella a nice rithme quite diferent of the rest of the city.
A part of visit the ruins of the Citadella and some other temple, I went throgh the coast with the motorbike the less transit roads doing few stops at the beach.

In Vietnam is what you have to do.. go away a little of the turistic itineraries alow you to see another reality.
I folow the semifinal Espanya-Alemanya... The first half in my room, and the second half at the street with 15 people and one laptop connected via satelit becouse at 3 o'clock at night the electricity went away in all Hue...

Some Photos
2010-07-Hue (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/kX4boWEA8LLd1c1H7

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Great Hoi An!

Hoi An is a tiny and quite city, famous for the food and taylors that they make whatever you want in less than 24h....

The Old town of Hoi An is so pretty! You can visit few old traditional chinist houses.
We find a very nice accommodation... the Hoang Trinh Hotel (a tripadvisor)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mui Ne and Na Trangh

For the traject Ho Chi Minh - Ha Noi I bought an Open Bus Ticket that alows me to stop at the principals Hotspots and go on again when i want (35$ for sleeping bus)
The first stop is Mui Ne. Beach, resorts, fishing villatge and sand dunes.
We rent bikes to go to the white sanddunes about 25km away. We find it easy even there is no indication anywere...

When we get back we stop at the fishing villatge, eat local noodles and deserts (they put sweet milk at everything... I love it!)
A little bit chill out next to the sea with good music before sleep is always good...

Some Photos of 2010-06-Mui ne (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/dCPaHktDnbFhpSJC7

The second stop is Na Trangh. Turístic city with big hotels and apartments next to the beach. If you just go 200 metres away from the coast, the city changes completly. A walk to the chong Rocks, the Ponagar Tower and Long Son Pagoda it's enough.

Now is time to seeping Bus to Hoi An...

Some Photos of 2010-06-Nha Trang (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/4g4FQJWHSnKkGmfP6

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Ho Chi Minh the old Saigon

Ho Chi Minh City, the old capital of the french Indochina as Saigon. Is plenty of avenues, parks and european style buildings.
I can say that I enjoy it. The Fine Arts Museum and the museum of the vietnam war are the perfect complement, and the GuestHouse were we stayed helps to feel like home (My home, 241/43 Pham Ngu Lao St, D1, HCMC).

Some Photos
2010-06-Ho Chi Minh (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/A1gFVXdEN8XTRWN57

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Mekong Delta

I get into Vietnam from Ha tien (Hà Tiên). Just when get off the bus we meet Fiona and Matt (Scotland & NZ). We visit the city together and we share a room to cut costs... 4 people 10$.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Kampot & Kep

After Phnom Penh I go back to the south of cambodja, this time Kampot. Is about 45km to the Vietnam border.

Oli and Lili went to Austràlia, and Lucas is coming to Vietnam as well! At the bus we meet a spanish couple from Madrid, Javi and Maria. They want to stay some days in Kampot as well.

We stayed in two guesthouses. One chillout style (Bodhi Villa) and one kind of frienly hotel (Poonleu Nath Guest House).

I liked Kampot. The city was a french colony and you can still see some buildings of that period. Kampot is famous for his pepper, his sea salt and the durian fruit.

The first day we rent a bycicle and we went to see the ocean, the salt fields and Dtray Kho (fish island).

The second day was with motorbike... We went to visit a caves (we couldn't find them...) , a lake, Kep city (so much turistic for me...), a beach in a fishing village, one budis temple and the peeper plantations.

Saturday at the market. Sunday rains, and I put order to my backpack, I watch a movie and I read.

On Monday I'll be in Vietnam.

Some Photos 
2010-06-Kampot (CA) https://photos.app.goo.gl/9FajhTtmnXZU5VpP6

Versió catalana

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Some days in Phnom Penh

I Liked Phnom Penh.
Is not like a marvelous, but for few days is worth.

I visit the places where you can imagine how was the years during Khmer Rouge. The Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (it was the S-21 prision) where they interrogated and tortured more than 14000 people, and The Killing Fields of Choeung Ek an old chinist cementery where the Khmer Rouge killed thousands of people.

I visited few markets like el Psar Thmei (Central Market) or el Psar Toul Tom Poung (Russian Market) this last more autentic...

Also I went to the National Museum of Cambodia and a walk around the riverside.

I did the Vietnam visa too.

Some Photos
2010-06-Phnom Penh (CA) https://photos.app.goo.gl/tZi2KgS5a99bvzLz9

Versió catalana

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sihanoukville & Koh Rung Island


Bus trip... 10 hours! I arrive at Sihanoukville. This city is on the coast with a very important port and beaches full of bars and gesthouses...

Oli have an old colage from collage living here, Danis. He lives with Smile. They show us the city and bring us to dinner next to the beach.

Next morning I go to the beaches by bike. I arrive to the entrance to a national parc. Smile prepares lunch for us. Lucas and I book the tickets to go to Koh Rung Island.
The dinner that Smile has prepared is sooo goood!

Koh Rung Island

Early morning a van pick us up and bring us to the port to catch the boat.
At Koh Rung island there are 3 small fishing villages with wood and bamboo houses. Electricity from 18 to 22h.
We stay at the Beach House next to the Dive Shop, a house on the pier with 2 dorms... 3$.
... snorkeling and eat.

Next day I go to dive with the boat. There is big waves and I feel seasickness.
Oli and Lili arrive.

At afternoon i go to the english school organized by the dive shop with volunteers. Now as a voluntarees are Denyse (Australia) and Dada (Cambodia)
Apart of the school there is a english voluntaries group doing a project to preserb the coral reef.

I'm realy good in this place!

Next day I do the second try to go diving. At the beginning I don't feel the seasickness, but after my first immersion, I do.
At the afternoon I go again to the school to help... in that case doing human castles at the water! not bad, no?

Some Photos
2010-06-Sihanoukville & Koh Rung Island  (CA) https://photos.app.goo.gl/2BkB1Zm61yPqDXAs7

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