A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Nong Khiaw & Muang Ngoi Neua

Nong Khiaw is a village next to the river Nam Ou sorrounded by majestic mountains where you can do trekkings to see some caves and waterfalls and at the same time you can visit small villages.

Here I meet Isabel (Mallorca), Tomàs, Pablo and Yanina (Argentina) and Amick (Quebec)... We went for a walk to one cave. At the begining the weather was very good, but when we were coming back the weather completly change and start to rain very hard... The rain didn't stop and start to get dark, so, we walk back raining!

Next morning we took the boat to Muang Ngoi Neua (the only way to get there). Small village with only 4 hours electricity. We look for acomodation and we walk arroun the village. And some Beerlao looking the rain.

Isabel goes back with the boat next morning and the rest we went trekking to a village. The trail is so muddy! "the world of the brave people!" and it worth!
It's a good place to disconnect.
We go back to Nong Khiaw and I stay one more night.

Some Photos
2010-07-Nong Khiaw i Muang Ngoi Neua (LAO) https://photos.app.goo.gl/5oeGeHLf6HyTiLUJA

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