A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Guangxi (广西)

I arrive at Guilin (桂林) after 24h by train from Chengdu.
Is my first train I can take in china because you have to book in advance. I’ve been in a 6 bed cabin very comfortable surrounded by Chinese people talking to me in Chinese without stop avoiding that my face looks like I don’t understand a word. After 5 minutes to start the journey, Liufeiyu, a 5 years old girl, seat next to me and offer me a red sweet and I accepted. 5 minutes later appears on the stage Jinyating, a 9 years boy asking me: “where are you from?” And I answered. Since then and for 24 hours Jin and Liu they are permanently around me... Liu reads to me a infantile histories with perfect Chinese, Jin practice English with me and help Liu with the difficult words, the mother of Liu try to teach me how to pronounce correctly the few words I know in Chinese, and Liu is giving me a lot of sweets non stop...

In the train there is only another foreigner, Niklas (Germany), and I meet at the bus to the train Station. He also joins the club to receive sweets and practice English with Jin and Liu.

With Niklas I visit the city by night and the surroundings next day by bicycle. 

We meet Fiona (France) and w ego together to the rice fields’ terraces near Longsheng (龙胜梯田) about two and a half hours from Guilin by local bus.

We decide to do a hours trekking between Ping'an and Dazhai (Track). The panoramic views are spectacular! 

We eat in a woman’s house that she was showing us the way till Zhongliu. Then we got lost a little, but at the end we arrive to Dazhai, and when we got there (17:30) there were no more buses to go back to Longsheng to be able to take the bus back to Guilin. 
We took the only bus that came to somewhere in the middle of nowhere and from there we try to get transportation to Guilin... 

At the end we stop a car that it was a taxi with Josep (Barcelona) and Makoto (Japan), that we had meet on the trail. They were going to Guilin too and they got stock too... 

Next day Bamboo boat to Yángshuò (阳朔县)

Days of Bicycle, river, eat and going out.


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