A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tokyo vs Fuji

Tokyo. I tried to do Couchsurfing but this time didn’t work and I stayed in a hostel around Asakusa. I meet Abraham and Raquel (Catalonia) just when I was doing the check-in and we talk for a while.

Next morning I decide to join them to visit some places in Tokyo... We visit Yoyogi Park where we saw a lot of people running, Shibuya plenty of people and a lot of design shops, Tower of Tokyo with lines of tourists to go up to the Tower and Roppongi night where we visit an Internet cafe where you can rent a room to spend few hours playing or surfing on the web...

Tokyo at night

Next day I walk around Asakusa where there are people shopping, eating in a restaurants, and visiting temples. At afternoon I went for run along the river (Track) I didn’t go for a run for few weeks and Tokyo is a good place to do it.

Mount Fuji
On Monday I want to go to Mt Fuji by direct bus but because is out of season to climb to Fuji and there are not the same numbers of buses as usual. Finally I went by 3 trains and a bus to the station where the trekking to the Mt Fuji starts. Total 4,5 hours.
I start the trekking around 21:30 at evening for get to the top at the sunrise. Waiting to start the trek, I meet a French couple and two brothers from Uruguay that they want to do the same.
On the high season (July and august) there is a lot more services, but there is much more people... (here the Track). The last part begin to be to cold because the wint. I’m luky to have my super jacket that I’ve been carrying.

Sunrise at Mount Fuji

Climb the Fuji is so spiritual for the Japanese, and I understand. The sunrise at 3777m with a ocean of clouds in yours feeds and without slept it was very special.
Going down was hard as well, and I went back to Tokyio by bus (2.5 hours).

At the subway I meet Pepi (Manresa) and she knew Roger (Tarragona) who lives in Kobe and he is a friend of my sister

Sport week! Wednesday bicycle without direction trough Tokyo.

Early Thursday I went to the fish market at the same time it was raining a lot... I went with Katerina (Slovakia) and Ricardo (Valencia) that I meet in the room of the hostel.
We also went to Ginza and the tower of the government building.

Friday I walk a lot till the other side of Tokyo. I go back by subway. When I was living in London I did it very often. I like walk the cities and Tokyo have a lot of tidy nice places.
Saturday I buy the night bus ticket to Kyoto... I want to see Ivan!

Some Photos
2010-09-Tokyo (JP) https://photos.app.goo.gl/cEW3TccYMXQjxPyv7

Versió catalana

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