A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Monday, November 22, 2010


Young Backpackers city with a lot of night live. This is what I found when I got here...

I came to Cairns to dive, snorkel and find the way to go to Alice Springs.
The day after I arrive, I’m going with a boat and 80 more people to see two spots at the Great Barrier Reef. People that we came to dive, we’re 6.

The two dives I do are so different... The first one till 14m and great scenario and no so many fish. The second one is much more attractive to me with a lot more live and some caves... so exciting!

At the afternoon is time for another location, and this time snorkeling! Less than 2 meters from the reef is spectacular, the colors, the shapes and the fish. One of my best snorkels!

Next day I do Sunday day because is Sunday! I walk along the coast, I watch two films and I eat an Ice-cream.
There is full Moon.

Since I arrive at Cairns, I have been looking around the backpackers and internet people that want to go to Alice Springs to share the ride... The people I found are going in the other direction.

I look for other options... and I take the most attractive, fly. The bus is 38 hours with 4 changes of bus and almost the same price of the flight. Expensive like everything in Australia.

After I make the booking, I go to the botanic garden and surroundings. Surroundings, because there is a art gallery next to the garden placed in and olds tanks of petrol, and also there is a spectacular forest with some walk tracks.

Afternoon swimming at the Lagoon, reading and writing.

Some Photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/tod5xUqwsAC248uNA

Versió catalana

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