A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Saturday, December 4, 2010

South Australia

After few hundreds of kilometers (around 800) we arrive at Coober Pedy, and we visit a Opal mine museum, we walk around the small village, pizza for lunch and we sleep underground...

Yes, underground. Coober Pedy is apparently a normal village, but almost all the houses have holes on the ground and few rooms underground that they did to look for Opal, and then they changed to part of the house... to be fresher on summer time. Also is the location were film some movies like Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome, Red Planet, Priscilla, Queen of the Desert o Pitch Black...

Next morning, a little bit more roads... we do a stop in one of the heaps salt lakes of the area... No words to describe it!

We pas through Port Augusta, where ends the road that goes from the north Australia to the south, and we finish at Quorn in an historical “Hill” transformed in a Motel... shower and beer at the pub of the small village.

Next day is time to The Flinders Ranges National Park. We visit Yourambulla caves on the way to Wilipena were we do a walk in to the natural amphitheatre located in a huge stone crater.

We saw kangaroos on the way!!

At night we watch “Wolf Creek”, filmed around Flinders Rangers National Park.

Wake up early again to go to Warren Gorge to do a small walk perfect to warm up for the trekking in Dutchman’s Stern, where there is a panoramic views of 360 degrees on Flinders Ranges.

Road, wine taste at Clare Vale and Adelaide!
We go for dinner with Jason... those 6 days has been amazing!

At Adelaide I stay at the same hostel as Nanja (Holland) from the tour, and looking on internet we find a relocation offer to Melbourne.

Relocation: Cars, motor-homes, equipped vans, etc needs sometimes to be move to the place where somebody rents. For 1$, 5$ o 25$ per day, with limit km (or not), sometimes they pay you some $ of petrol, and you have a maximum of days to do the transportation.

So, our van is from the 4th of December to the 6th (2 nights) for 5$ a day, 1270km limit and 60$ fuel back. 4 days in Adelaide to go.

I do Couchsurfing at Neil and Kirrabelle place, a couple of music teachers and so nice people.

When I arrive to the house, Neil is doing clarinet class to a student at the living room... I chat a little with Kirrabelle.

I go for a walk around the city and I meet Nanja at the library. We visit the Art museum and we start to prepare the trip to Melbourne.

When I go back home, the father of Kirra is making recompilations of songs to make presents. Kirra does a nice potatoes omelet

Next morning, South Australia Museum. Spectacular!
I have dinner with Neil in a Pub.... He tells me about the mach he is playing next weekend of Bike-polo! Polo on the bicycle!

At the beginning I had to stay for only two nights at Kirra and Neil places, but they propose me to stay till Saturday. They have another couchsurfer, but there is space for both.

A cycling day is what I do with Nanja... Bicycle for free from the council, and heaps of parks surrounding Adelaide to be cross.

Next morning Neil arrives home around 9:30 very happy (he just worked an hour) and with two tickets for the first cricket match of the Ashes Adelaide 2010-2011, Australia vs. England! I’m in! Sun block, sunglasses and head. Ready!

The Oval of Adelaide is one of the few cricket stadiums that keep the traditional structure. A working Friday at 10:30 and 39000 people (Heaps of English). The game can last 3 to 5 days and the rules are not easy, many exceptions. The Neil try to teach me the basics ... to Complicate!
Beers, meat pie and sun for many hours...

Ends about 6 pm, dinner at central market ... to sleep because the sun has taken all my energy!

Kirra give us a lift where we had to pick up the van...

On the road again!

Direction towards the Great Ocean Road ... Landscape endless meadows and small pieces of forest ... radio music and lines without end ... With all this the van goes at 121 km/h (the maximum is 110), and a red and blue lights appear in front of me ...

They stop me, well, he stops me because he is only one policeman And after telling me I had exceeded the speed of 11 km / h, makes me a few questions of style where I am, what I have visited in Australia, how long I stay in Australia for, etc. .. .

At the end he reduced the speed to 9 mph (without penalty) and he began to explain his trip to Europe for 4 months 10 years ago...
He also recommends Beachport to spend the night.

I did not expect that...

We do night and sunrise at Beachport. We stop at Blue Lake in Mount Gambier and reach the border with the state of Victoria...

Some Photos https://photos.app.goo.gl/5fKniauuELhTSqTb8
Versió catalana

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