A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Mui Ne and Na Trangh

For the traject Ho Chi Minh - Ha Noi I bought an Open Bus Ticket that alows me to stop at the principals Hotspots and go on again when i want (35$ for sleeping bus)
The first stop is Mui Ne. Beach, resorts, fishing villatge and sand dunes.
We rent bikes to go to the white sanddunes about 25km away. We find it easy even there is no indication anywere...

When we get back we stop at the fishing villatge, eat local noodles and deserts (they put sweet milk at everything... I love it!)
A little bit chill out next to the sea with good music before sleep is always good...

Some Photos of 2010-06-Mui ne (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/dCPaHktDnbFhpSJC7

The second stop is Na Trangh. Turístic city with big hotels and apartments next to the beach. If you just go 200 metres away from the coast, the city changes completly. A walk to the chong Rocks, the Ponagar Tower and Long Son Pagoda it's enough.

Now is time to seeping Bus to Hoi An...

Some Photos of 2010-06-Nha Trang (VIE) https://photos.app.goo.gl/4g4FQJWHSnKkGmfP6

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