A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Hyuga and Beppu

I arrive at Hyuga around 21h... and Sally is waiting for me at the train station for going out with another couchsurfer, Gianni (Sicily) that sleep in another house. We take the backpack at my place and we go out with Japanese friends of Sally.
I finish exhaust. I sleep like a kid.
Next day we have lunch at Sally’s place and at the afternoon we go to the beach to try to surf... Hyuga is a paradise for the surfers. At least are 100 surfers at the main beach and a lot of surfers vans!

The swim make us hungry, so w ego to have ramen and dumplings! And go early to sleep!
I have breakfast with Sally and I take a train to Beppu, the capital of the onsens... and some more baths, now with water at 42 degrees.

I stay in a hostel with onsen, and I meet again Gianni. I go to walk around the traditional onsen and I have
another bath at the most authentic, the Takegawara Onsen.

I go to have dinner with Gianni Chicken Tempura, and we walk back through the locals for a Japanese business man (with friendly girls). And I do another bath at the hostel before go to sleep.
Next day I go to walk on the beach, I have ramen for lunch and I go to take a Ferry to Kobe. Kyoto direction! Ivan!!!!!

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