A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


In Castro I Couchsurfing home Ana and Leo (Chile) and the wonderful family near the center of town. Jan and Gisele (Switzerland) are also staying here.

It looks like is another country very different from the rest of Chile.

Jan and Gisele have booked a tour to visit some of the wooden church heritage and to see also the island of Lemuy. I join them. We visit Nercón, Chonchi, and the island of Lemuy where we eat an "asado" at a home of some farmers from the island.
We had dinner all the people of the house together.

The next day visited Castro in a relaxed way. It is very hot and at the afternoon I cut my hair.

It is the anniversary of Gisele and for dinner I make a tortilla with tomato with pa amb tomaquet to join the mussels, baked salmon, carpacho of salmon and salads. Cake as a dessert. In the house were a couple more of Couchsurfing Florian (Austria) and Kim (New Zealand).

On Saturday we go to the Parque Nacional de Chiloé and we make the trek from the coast of Cuca to near the beach Cole Cole. Many beach and some Mapuche vilatges.

The 30 kilometers kills us, but we are lucky that Leo is preparing an spectacular roast for dinner! We say goodbye to Jan and Gisele ...

Sunday I wake up late. I visit the Island Quinchao to see the party Costumbrista in Achao where you can find traditional food and local handicrafts.

On the way Back I visit Dalcahue and his church.Leo's sister has come to the house, and is delighted with couchsurfing, from now on will be in CS when she gets back to Santiago. I say goodbye to the family, Those days have been magnificent!

I am going to Ancud. I'm staying in the "Alojamineto" Marta, overlooking the sea and near the center. In the evening I go to the Plaza de Armas to see the Outdoors Chilean cinema. A short classic Chile to begin "Soledad" and the Oscar-nominated 2010 "La vida de los peces"

The next morning I visit the penguin area of Puñihuil, where you can see humdbolt and Magellan penguins. When I return from Puñihuil I eat the classic dish of Chiloé, Curanto .

Sunset on the coast and go to sleep soon because the next day that I have to take the bus at 6:30 AM!

I go to Argentina, I go to Bariloche.

Versió catalana

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