A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Taman Negara

To get to Taman Negara from Kuala Lumpur first I had to go by bus to Jerantut, then share a taxi with a German couple to arrive to Kuala Tembeling and take the boat to Kuala tähän. We enter the park by boat (three hours back the river surrounded by jungle)

Taman Negara is the largest natural park of peninsular Malaysia and one of the oldest rainforest in the world, with flora and fauna here have developed without interruption for about 130 million years. Although he lived in elephants, tigers or leopards, but they are really difficult to see. In this park we find the highest mountain on the peninsula, the Gunung tähän, with a height of 2,187 m.
At the Rippi's Gesthouse i meet Laia (Girona), the next day we hike very hardly! with bathing in the river to end!
In the evening appears Lluis (Barcelona). He was doing 3 trip through the jungle with a very nice German gay...

So hot all day long and the next day I start the route to Perhentians island

Some photos
- 2010-05-Taman Negara (MY) https://photos.app.goo.gl/S2s7taAx1LqWoW7Q8
Versió catalana

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