A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Huaraz and the Cordillera Blanca

Waiting for the bus i have to take to Huaraz I meet Toni (Valencia), another traveler around South America. And after the night bus ride that we gain 3000 meters of altitude, we look for accommodation together.
As Toni, I want to not waste time in Huaraz, so we find a tour to the Santa Cruz 4 days trekking the next morning.
The accomodation (El Refugio) have views of the Cordillera Blanca, WiFi, kitchen and a sink for washing clothes... and cheap!

The rest of the day I visit the market, I bring a pants to fix (here they arranged everything ...) and I rest.
On the hike tour we end up being 11! ... a South Korean (Dae Jong), a New Zealander, one French girl, one Austrian girl, one Czech girl and two girls from United States. It’s a very varied group.

Hike of Santa Cruz

Mapa part de la Cordillera Blanca

The trek goes from Baqueria to Cashapampa with three mules that transported our luggage and the camp stuff.
Spectacular mountains and stunning views of the Cordillera Blanca.

The second day we cross Punta Union (4750m.) The height is noticeable, we lack air ... Luckly we do not have to carry the backpacks! The nights are cold, and during the day the heat is very hot.

The third day we go up to see a glacier lake and then go down to the last camp before leaving the valley the next day.

As we return to Huaraz we have dinner all the group together. Adrian and I stayed a extra day to rest before continue our route. I want to get to Yurimaguas to take a boat to Iquitos ... but I have to go to Trujillo first to take another bus.

Some photos
2011-07-Huaraz (PER) https://photos.app.goo.gl/3qhX1ybjmcPn3ZEe9

Versió catalana

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