A travel blog of a journey that I started in 2010 and I don't know when it will end ...

Friday, October 7, 2011

Back Home, back to Tarragona

Whether I arrived to London in 15 minutes in advance, I arrive at Reus airport 45 minutesprematurely! So no one was waiting for me! Jordi and my mother arrives in 5 minutes ... I am at home!

After 528 days around the world I'm back in Tarragona. Here I have my family, friends and many places with many good memories.

The most striking news has been the baby boom has happen in to my closest circle of friends ... It will be hard to remember it cost me all the new names!

It has been great to make this dream I had for the past ten years. I've done in my rhythm, meeting many people along the way, doing a lot of CouchSurfing (which I will continuedoing it when I have my own house) and I knowing myself a little more each day, letting myintuition guide me.

My journey does not end here, it continues. Continues until I get tired to discover new places and new people. From now on, might be in a different way and not permanently, butI will continue making trips and telling them on my way. I hope I can do it for many years!

October 2011

Some Photos
2011-10-Tornada a Tarragona (CAT) https://photos.app.goo.gl/pEdB9EstnRmiHAEr9

Versió Catalana

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